Monday, December 17, 2012

Are you curious about where those levels you can choose to be are and what they look like?

When you begin you can expect an average of $71 per month. This is based on having approximately 8  Customer's In your Down line. This level is called a DISTRIBUTOR.
When you get to the next level you are an EXECUTIVE. This is where you have two DISTRIBUTORS in your down line with a volume of 400 each. Here your Avg. Income will be about $309 monthly.
The next level is a RUBY, this is adding just one more DISTRIBUTOR so now you have three. One of the three of your DISTRIBUTORS (DT) has two DT's of their own. This is where your income could potentially be earning $599 per month.
DIAMOND!! A DIAMOND is just simply having 3 RUBY'S!! This can happen anywhere throughout the levels. When you have reached RUBY yourself and Taught 3 other team members how to reach RUBY too, your income from the residual income of everybody who useses products can reach an average of $1121 monthly. PERSONALLY this is what I was earning as a MLT working full time in a doctors office. This can be done from home, rarely making trips to town. Simply building relationships, interacting with friends, getting together in pairs or groups of people and sharing these AMAZING LIFE CHANGING products!!!

Repeating these steps and reaching TRIPLE DIAMOND multiplies your income 10 fold!!! Your team now consists of 11 RUBY'S and you are bringing in an average MONTHLY income  OF $10, 541!!! All of the average monthly incomes are based off of customers, (both loyal customers and a distributors in your down line) purchasing approximately $100-$150 in product!

You get the idea of residual income a little bit better by looking at the chart and reading just a little bit of information on how to get there. The top level is called AMBASSADOR DIAMOND. This is where the potential to bring home $31,928 PER MONTH!!! Imagine the possibility this could bring to your family!! This is possible for anyone who is serious about growing a business! Who is good or wants to be good at building relationships!!? Once you reach this level you are earning bonuses that more than double the residual income!

If you genuinely care about people, about their health and well being and want to help them reach their goals and their dreams no matter what they are this could be you!!

This can happen as fast or as slow as you make it! The key is to build it Right, build it Tight and build it Strong!! Imagine, you are selecting or finding people to do this with you and you get to help provide this possibility for someone else while making it happen for you too!!!

DREAM BIG, IMAGINE what is available to you if you really WANT it and want it BAD enough to put your HEART into it and make not only your DREAMS come true, but the GOALS and DREAMS of people you know and love or whom you will meet and come to KNOW AND LOVE!!!

Think about it! If you are interested, let me know! Comment below or email me at:

or visit the website and fill out the form then click on opportunity and find the tab JOIN THE FAMILY:

If you want to see more about the business and the products that are available without committing to shopping or joining just yet, check out my Facebook Fan Page at:

Feel Free to ask questions below as well and I will get you some answers! If I am uncertain of them I will find them out and I will get you the information that you are seeking and what you need to fulfill your interest, dreams, goals and desires!

Praying everyone's day is Blessed!!! Be a Blessing to Others! ><///*> <3

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