Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I thought this was worth sharing. This morning, I posted on my Facebook FanPage and the following is a testimony that resulted from it . . .

Just incase you've missed my past posts, I'll refresh you. As many of you know I suffer from VERY bad back pain...not sure what's wrong with it, just know that this morning I was in tears, again. I read a post from a lady who is also a distributer for It Works! that said, "Did you know that 75% of people who wrap use it for pain management?" 7 of the 11 ingridents in the wrap are anti-inflammitories.!!! Why didn't I ever do this before??? I knew that!!! I crawled to my purse and got myself wrapped up...went back to the couch and laid there for about an hour and a half. When I took it off I could totally tell that it worked THAT FAST!! I am still a little stiff but I am NOT crawling around...and I can SIT UP!! OMG what a relief...I am so thankful for Rachel Cone for helping me out this morning and getting me thru this day. I ♥ IT WORKS more and more every day! P.S. Bryan Bruce awhile back you asked me if I had a wrap for my back pain and I said no...well I can honestly say YES I DO!!



  1. Great Testimony! Great Products!

  2. Thank you! I know I just love them! They have totally CHANGED MY LIFE! Every time I wrap lately I am moving the wrap from my target site to whatever area happens to be in pain at the time. I wrapped my feet after my last wrap and I have not had pain when my feet hit the floor in the am since! Today I plan to put it on my neck! I <3 IW! <3

  3. Love this! My hubby has wrapped his back and had good results with the wraps eliminating his back pain!

  4. Thank you go sharin Ashley!! I actually used it this week just for my back and neck for pain while I was sick with strep! I think it played a huge role in my healing too! It is good to know they are helping people and becoming known for more than just a skinny wrap!! <3 IW!
